Tips To Help Your Kids Adjust After Their Braces

Some children start their orthodontic treatment as young as six. However, most agree that the best age to get braces or any other form of orthodontic treatment is between the ages of 8 and 14, which is when the head and mouth are most conducive to straightening.

If your child has an upcoming appointment with a dentist at the Dental Art Centre Malindi for brace installation, you may be wondering what you can do to ease the process. After all, it can be difficult to get used to life with braces, and the last thing you probably want to see is your little one struggling with the adjustment. Here’s a collection of helpful things you can do for your child to make their lives a little easier after getting braces. 

If your child has any questions or concerns for their dentist, allow them the chance to voice their thoughts to their dentist. Not only will doing so arm them with more information about the procedure, but it can also help calm down any frazzled nerves. Also, speaking to a professional is a great way to manage your child’s expectations so they can get a realistic idea of what life will be like during and after braces. 

Most kids usually don’t have to think too hard about what they’re eating. Unfortunately, that’s not necessarily true or healthy for kids with braces. That’s because there are some big no-no foods for braces wearers that should be avoided at all times, most of which include foods that are chewy or tough to bite into. A good way to ease your child into this change of diet is to talk to them about what foods they should stay away from so you can be sure that they are being responsible with their food choices when you’re not around. You could also make the adjustment process easier by only buying and serving them food that is easy for braces wearers to chew. 

Many kids struggle with braces because they require serious amounts of maintenance and hygiene care. For some kids, the time-consuming process of cleaning and brushing braces can become a boring chore that they’re often tempted to skip over. You can try to encourage your kids to stick to their dental hygiene routine by teaching them what good hygiene while wearing braces entails and monitoring them to make sure they are following the cleaning instructions their Dental Art Centre Malindi Dentist provided them with.

Pain and discomfort are common after getting braces. Luckily, these aches can be soothed with painkillers, ice packs, or even ice cream. If your child is complaining about any sort of discomfort after getting their braces in, listen to their complaints so you can take the appropriate steps to provide them with some pain relief. If the pain does not subside and continues to persist, you may want to consider scheduling an Appointment with our dentist.

Lastly, don’t forget to be a supportive parent! Getting braces is hard on kids for so many reasons. Whether it’s because they’re embarrassed about how they look, the braces hurt, or they’re tired of the constant upkeep; it’s entirely possible that your child might be a little fed up with their new accessory. If that’s the case, provide them with a safe space they can vent and express themselves without fear of being shamed. Support your children, and remind them that their feelings are valid and braces are only temporary! 

Braces are certainly a big lifestyle change for kids, but it’s possible to make the adjustment a little easier for everybody involved. Just remember to talk to your dentist, help them with their diet and hygiene, and listen to their emotional and physical concerns, and you should be set for a more pleasant transition into the life of braces as you make sure to keep your dentist call for regular checkins and concerns close to your speed dail 🙂

Tooth Polishing

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Tooth polishing is a dental procedure that is used for the prevention of teeth problems. It also makes teeth appear whiter, stain-free, and glistening. This procedure improves dental health and aesthetics of the teeth.

Objectives Of Tooth Polishing

Earlier, tooth polishing was routinely done as a part of dental prophylaxis. However, it was soon realized that the over use of this technique erodes outermost covering of the tooth structure. The loss of the outer structure makes teeth more vulnerable to stains and plaque accumulation. Also, repetitive use of this procedure removes the protective fluoride layer surrounding the teeth.

These days, dentists do not recommend tooth polishing as a routine dental procedure, and a careful case selection is done prior to this procedure.

Advantages of Tooth Polishing

Tooth polishing is a procedure which not only polishes the teeth but also removes the dental stains, plaque, and microorganisms formed on the outer surface of the teeth.

The main advantage of tooth polishing over the tooth scaling (deep cleaning of the teeth) is that it is a painless procedure. Also, patients experience clean and smooth teeth instantaneously after the procedure.

Types of Tooth Polishing

• Therapeutic polishing – Many a times during a dental surgical procedure, the cementum covering the root is exposed. Therapeutic polishing assists in the removal of any microflora and endotoxins from the surface of cementum.

• Coronal / Cosmetic polishing – This type of polishing removes the plaque and superficial dental stains. Superfine abrasive agents are used to make the enamel (outer layer covering the crown of the tooth) lustrous. Enamel surface is polished to an extent that it can even reflect the visible light.

• Superficial polishing – This technique polishes the crown of the tooth. However, this technique has nominal curative benefits, and is primarily done to improve the aesthetic appearance of the teeth.

• Selective polishing – Selective polishing is also termed as extrinsic stain removal or selective stain removal. This polishing technique is a recommended post scaling procedure, and it removes any remaining stains.

Which Type Of Stains Can Tooth Polishing Remove?

There are two types of dental stains – endogenous and exogenous. Endogenous stains are internal stains which are caused due to certain dental defects such as developmental or drug-induced enamel hypoplasia. Exogenous stains are external stains, which arise due to poor dental habits and smoking.

Tooth polishing is beneficial in removing only the exogenous stains, and cannot remove the internal or endogenous stains.

Points To Remember At The Time Of Tooth Polishing

• A correct technique should be employed during the procedure to minimize the abrasion on the tooth surface.

• Less abrasive polishing agent should be used.

• Pressure, speed of the polishing device, and time taken for the procedure should be carefully monitored.

Application Of The Prophylaxis


Prophylaxis paste is applied on the area of the tooth surface which requires polishing. Some pastes having bigger particle sizes are more potent in removing the external stains and plaque. Some of the dental practitioners prefer using these pastes as they remove the dental stains easily and quickly. However, these pastes have a high abrasive strength, and can lead to the loss of the tooth structure.

Prophylaxis pastes which have smaller particle sizes make the tooth surface cleaner, lustrous, and smooth. These pastes also make the tooth surface less prone to plaque and stain accumulation. However, polishing with these pastes is a laborious and a time-consuming procedure.

Some key factors which make tooth polishing more effective are as below:

• Rotations per minute of the polishing device such as rubber cup.

• Pressure at which the rubber cup is applied on the tooth surface during polishing.

• Coarseness of the prophylaxis paste.

• Time taken for the procedure.

Tooth polishing should initially be performed with coarse abrasion, and then should be followed by fine abrasion. This gradual shift from coarser to finer abrasion results in scratches lesser than 0.5 mcm in size. These scratches have a diameter lesser than the wavelength of the visible light thereby making the tooth surface appear more shiny and lustrous.

However, the abrasive agent should be carefully selected as the hardness of the abrasive agent should not exceed the hardness of the surface to be polished.

Tooth Polishing Instruments

Tooth polishing instruments are both manual and engine-driven. Manual polishers are used by the dentists to manually polish the tooth surface with the help of their hands, whereas engine-driven polishing instruments require handpieces. Tooth polishing is usually performed with the help of a mechanical device and a polishing agent.

Hand-held polishing instruments include:

• Porte polisher

• Polishing strips

Engine-driven instruments are:

• Rubber cups

• Air-powder polisher

Vector System

This technique uses the polishing fluids to polish the tooth surfaces. This technique has an advantage over the other methods as it causes minimal or no damage to the tooth structure. Hydroxyapatite polishing fluid and silicon carbide abrasive fluids are used to polish the tooth surface by this technique.

Dental Art Centre Malindi Offers Tooth Polishing Procedure Services By Our Very Able And Qualified Hands, Facilitated By State Of The Art Equipment To Give You The Best Dental Visit Experiences And A Beautiful, Confident Smile To Take Home.

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Dental Check-ups

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What can I expect during a dental check-up?

• Most people are familiar with the typical dental check-up visit. If the office has a dental hygienist, he or she will clean your teeth, do an evaluation and sometimes take X-rays. Then the dentist will check the X-rays and your teeth for signs of decay, check your gums for changes, and check for signs of oral cancer or other diseases.

• From time to time, however, your dentist should do a more thorough exam. This is called a comprehensive examination. It includes a thorough look at your entire mouth, head and neck area. The dentist also will ask about your medical history, and you will get X-rays if indicated.

• A comprehensive examination likely will be done the first time you visit a dental office. Even if you have had regular care under another dentist, your new dentist will want to become familiar with your health. This will allow him or her to notice changes or problems more easily during future visits.

• Some activities are standard for a check-up or comprehensive exam, but dentists and hygienists have their own style and skills. If your dentist doesn’t do everything listed here, that doesn’t necessarily mean he or she isn’t doing a good job. If you are concerned, ask why certain things are left out or why others are included.

• The order in which things are done may vary as well. And it doesn’t all have to be done at every visit.

• An important part of every visit is updating your medical history. Your dentist will want to know if you’ve had any changes in your health or your medicines since your last visit.

• Mention everything about your health, even if you don’t think it relates to your mouth. Many diseases can affect your mouth and teeth. Researchers continue to discover ways in which oral health is related to overall health. For example, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing periodontal disease. Research also suggests that periodontal infection can affect your blood sugar levels. It can make your diabetes harder to control. Other health conditions may require your dentist to change the type of anesthesia given.

• Bring a list of all medicines you take, with dosages. Some medicines cause dry mouth, which can increase the risk of cavities. Your dentist also will want to check that any drug he or she prescribes doesn’t interact with drugs you are already taking.

• Your dentist needs to know everything that may help him or her diagnose problems or treat you appropriately. Tell your dentist:

1. Your fears — Many people have fears of the dentist that go back to childhood. Pain control and treatment techniques change constantly. The things you fear most may not exist any longer, or there may be new and improved ways of dealing with them. If you fear you have a particular disease or condition, let your dentist know. He or she can look for signs and either diagnose the problem or set your mind at ease. Often, just talking about your fears will take some of the edge off.

2. Your overall health — Tell your dentist if you’ve been diagnosed with any diseases or are taking any new medicines. It is important to tell your dentist about all medicines you take. This includes prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines. Even diseases that seem to be unrelated to the mouth may require a different approach to dental treatments or prevention.

3. Your dental health — Before the examination starts, tell your dentist if: You think you have a new cavity. Your teeth have become sensitive. You feel lumps inside your mouth. Don’t wait to see if the dentist catches it or silently hope the dentist misses it. By telling your dentist your symptoms, you may help him or her make an early diagnosis..

Dental Art Centre Malindi Offers Dental Check-Up Services By Our Very Able, Professional And Qualified Minds, Facilitated By State Of The Art Equipment To Give You The Best Dental Visit Experiences And A Beautiful, Confident Smile To Take Home.

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Dental Implants

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What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a metal post, usually made from titanium, that is surgically inserted into your jawbone beneath the gum and acts as an artificial root. The implant is threaded to allow an abutment to be screwed into it. Once in place, your dentist can then mount a crown (replacement tooth) securely onto the fitting to provide an identical match to the rest of your natural teeth. In some cases, multiple implants and crowns may be required. 

Should I Have Dental Implants?

Simply having missing teeth is not necessarily reason enough to have dental implants. Alternatives, such as dentures, might be more appropriate. During your initial examination, your dentist will consider:  

  • The overall condition of your mouth
  • The quality and quantity of bone remaining in your jaw
  • Your dental hygiene routine
  • Your general health

To ensure a successful outcome with implants, the condition of your mouth needs to provide a stable working environment. Any broken teeth, gum disease or dental decay will need to be remedied first before dental implants can be inserted.

Your dentist will assess your bone volume and density to ascertain whether the existing bone in your jaw can support dental implants. This process usually involves x-raying the jawbone or in some instances, undergoing a cone beam CT scan (not scary, this is simply a specialized x-ray that provides more detailed information on your jawbone and precise placement of implants).

Your personal dental hygiene regime might also affect your suitability for a dental implants procedure. You need to be committed to maintaining healthy teeth and gums, as a healthy mouth is essential to successful treatment.

Your general health can also impact whether you can be considered for dental implants. Medical and lifestyle variables, such as diabetes and smoking, might affect your suitability. Each case is different; your dentist will discuss these considerations with you in greater detail.

What Does a Dental Implant Procedure Involve?

There are three stages in the dental implant

  • Fitting the implant
  • Fitting the abutment
  • Attaching the crown

The fitting of the implant is usually performed under a local anaesthetic. Your dentist will make a small incision into your gum, then painlessly insert the implant into your jawbone.

If you’ve had any teeth extracted prior to the surgery, it may be possible for your dentist to fit the implant directly into the existing tooth socket. However, before having the abutment attached, patients generally need to allow around three to six months for the bone to fully adhere to the implant – a process called osseointegration.

The abutment – a small post onto which a crown can be fitted – screws directly into the dental implant that was inserted into your jawbone.  

Once the abutment is in place, attaching the crown is a straightforward process, usually carried out during the abutment fitting.

What Should I Expect After My Dental Implant Procedure?

During your first visit, and once the effects of the anesthetic have worn off, you will be allowed to go home. It can take several hours for feeling to fully return to your mouth, and you may require pain relief to counteract discomfort. Avoid any hot food or drinks until feeling has fully returned, and eat only soft foods the first few days following your dental implants procedure.

You may be given antibiotics or an antiseptic mouthwash, along with special brushes to help clean the gaps between your teeth. During this period (and always), you will want to maintain good oral hygiene to avoid any potential infection. 

Once you have fully recovered, your replacement teeth and dental implants and replacement teeth should work exactly the same as your natural teeth. And you’ve got your smile back!

If you’re not already in the habit, brush and floss twice daily and make regular visits to your dentist or hygienist to ensure that your new teeth remain healthy.

Dental Art Centre Malindi Offers Dental Implant Procedure Services By Our Very Able And Qualified Hands, Facilitated By State Of The Art Equipment To Give You The Best Dental Visit Experiences And A Beautiful, Confident Smile To Take Home.

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